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Organic Matters Foundation
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In The Pacific

Organic Matters Foundation offers practical, low cost, regenerative farming solutions you can use in your community. We deliver training and tools customised for your local needs and challenges.

Our training focuses on giving farmers practical skills and easy-to-use tools that can be implemented quickly to produce immediate improvements.


This encourages greater acceptance and use sustainable alternatives to intensive chemical agriculture.

Training programs are developed in consultation with you to deliver improvements across the whole farming process. 


We trust that by giving your farmers the opportunity to access this information, and see how regenerative farming can benefit them, we not only empower them to make better choices, we also help you build a stronger, more positive and more healthy community.

We partner with you to give you access to a greater pool of knowledge and funding

We can help you build collaborative relationships with outside communities and bodies, including Australian and international funding sources. Together we can secure what you need for community improvement projects, educational programs and ongoing support.

If you are interested in working with us, or would simply like to find out more about what we can do for you, please contact us.

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