Soil as a connector
There’s something special about soil - it's a connector.
When we arrive in-country, ready to roll with another Soil School, immediately everyone has a shared mindset. It's all about the soil. Tools to use, methodologies, opinions, discussions, debates, stories and laughter. So much laughter.
Over time with our blogs, we’ll revisit where we’ve been over the last 10 years and dive a little into the communities and outcomes of our projects.
Today we’re remembering the Cook Islands. In particular, our time doing introductory and advanced soil schools under the amazing care of the Titikaveka Growers Association.
The thing with the Islands is, as soon as you step off the plane, there’s a sense of welcoming. A feeling as if you're home. We definitely had this feeling when landing in the Cook Islands!
The picture below was taken a little over eight years ago on Rarotonga in the Cook Islands as part of our Soil School program with the Titikaveka Growers Association. We had spent two weeks in-country working alongside farmers to support them to better understand their soil tests, and in turn their soil.

There’s something humbling about being on the land with the farmers who care so deeply for it and rely on the produce and productivity to feed their families and the wider community. This is fundamentally what is so satisfying about our Soil School program.
We facilitate deliverable change that directly improves the lives of the community involved.
Soil School Program
Soil School is an adaptable, overarching program that ticks all the boxes. We teach farmers how to not only read their soil tests but interpret them with a focus on regenerative improvements and outcomes. Best of all, we adapt each program to each area’s needs. We speak with focus groups and participants before we begin, ensuring we have a full understanding of the area’s needs, intentions, hopes and opportunities.
Yes, we do Soil School, but first, we listen.
Here’s a link to our Strategic Partners page. If this interests you, or you think that Soil School would be a helpful part of your organisation’s education, contact us.